Prototype wrapup #25
Last time I made 3 prototypes as part of a single project. This time was a bit more modest, just a simple experiment with some new tech, but I was pretty happy with it. I've missed having regular prototypes as a way to keep trying out new things, but I'm hoping to ramp them back up soon as things stabilise with my writing.

I've wanted to try out AWS Lambda for a while, since it seems like an interesting way of shrinking the smallest unit of code. I thought I'd take my Floyd-Steinberg prototype and make it run as a Lambda function that dithers any image you upload to a particular S3 bucket. Rust was pretty neat for that, because it just spits out a static binary so I didn't have to worry about dependencies. I did have to wrap it in a little node script to handle the AWS side of things though, which seemed like a bit of a waste.
Unfortunately, as with many things AWS, the core offering is pretty cool but everything around it was really hard work. I wanted anyone to be able to upload, but you can't do that and limit the file size, so I would have been on the hook for someone uploading their favourite Linux distribution images or whatever. I also had some difficulty with my version of libc being different than the one on the Lambda machines, but in the end the right answer was to just spin up a micro with the right AMI and compile it there, and everything was fine after that.
All said and done, though, I think it turned out well. Lambda seems like an interesting technology and the pricing is ridiculously good. I'm curious to try out the API Gateway/serverless stack at some point, which seems much more complicated but also more polished.