Prototype wrapup #24
It's been a couple of months since my last set of prototypes, but this week I made 3 as part of working on my sliding blocks puzzle. It was actually pretty fun having a sequence of prototypes leading up to a final piece of work, and I might try and see if I can swing that more often.

This was my first version of sliding blocks with no colours or other features, just enough to support tiles and sliding.

This version added touch support, fonts and colours, as well as the dot trick to distinguish between the two "T"s. This is basically the version that ended up on the interactlets post.

Finally, this version added randomisation and the solution mosaics. I also added more content and code comments to the version that actually made it onto the post, so that's the place to go for the most final version. I didn't count the rest of that work as a prototype since it was really just polish.