

This failure was brought to you by my massive prototype blowout. I wanted to have my Monday post reflect the prototypes I'd done the week before, but I was still partway through doing them and so I put the post off until I'd finished. However, the prototypes took even longer than I thought and I ended up getting neither the post nor the prototypes done by the deadline.

If that seems familiar, it's because it's classic dependency hell, which I wrote about earlier. I think I could have easily seen this one coming, but I was perhaps a bit too overwhelmed by Christmas activities and my relatively new prototype workload. For next time I'll just make sure to keep the two commitments independent.

That should solve things for this particular project, but the problem of putting off writing about something until I've done it seems to come up with new projects fairly frequently. I'm also going to spend some time thinking about how to avoid that in the general case.