
Prototype wrapup

I've been meaning for a while to get into a habit of prototyping in a more systemic way. I wrote a while back about the benefits of prototyping, and more recently about wanting a more exciting version of a code-every-day challenge. What I'd ultimately like is for prototypes to fill that space, or at least part of it. To that end, I decided to commit myself to making one prototype per day this week.

That didn't go so well, mostly because my prototype discipline was pretty lax and I made overcomplicated prototypes that were basically mini-projects. So I didn't get done as many as I wanted, but I'm quite happy with the ones that did:



This was a silly little stack language I threw together for a friend as part of an ongoing joke about compile-to-js languages. It has a hello world that should give you some idea of how it's meant to work. I ended up spending a lot of time thinking about how to make an efficient streaming parser, but in the end I gave up and just read each line into memory.

Time: 2 hours.


source demo

When messing around with SDR, it really pays to tune the length of your antenna properly. However, the only decent site I found to do it gave lengths in feet and inches, and that extra conversion step was kind of cramping my style. So I thought I'd use it as an opportunity to learn PureScript, which is a kind of Haskell-meets-Javascript language I've had my eye on. I figured being a very minimal web challenge would stop it from taking too much time, but I was wrong.

Actually, I got tripped up by the fairly involved setup/build process which took up a significant chunk of time. Another big problem was the web framework, which was 99% fine, but that 1% (an HTML attribute it didn't know about) ended up taking over an hour to figure out and I still don't think I figured it out properly. Type safety!

Overall I feel positive with the result, though I'm still unconvinced that Haskell is a good choice for making webpages. I'll probably give it a try again later to see if there's light at the end of the learning curve.

Time: 7 hours.

Infinite Gest

source demo

This was really a new project masquerading as a prototype. I've wanted to look into the idea of making a minimal sketching tool for ages. The idea is that instead of having a bunch of tool UI, you just sketch things and it uses gesture recognition to automatically turn your badly drawn shapes into beautiful platonic ideals. A kind of slight upgrade from paper, but not so much that it interferes with the process of just sketching. Also, the pun name I came up with was so amazing I just had to do it.

I really had a hard time with additive vs subtractive on this one. Initially I wanted to just build a simple version, but some of the things (infinite scrolling canvas, drawing shapes and moving them around) are complicated enough that I was lured into going full framework. Ultimately, that led to a better, more comprehensive demo at the end, but it turned what could have been a few hours into a lot more.

Time: 8 hours.

So in total I spent 17 hours on prototypes, which could have been more than enough for 7*2 hour prototypes if I'd been more modest in scope. I can't say I necessarily regret taking the ideas as far as I did because they turned out pretty well, but I definitely know I can't have that at a daily output. Maybe that will turn out to be fine, but for the time being I still want to validate the idea of regular prototypes.

I'm making a smaller commitment for next week. 7 was definitely too many, I think 5 would be a nice number, but I'm going to start at 3 and make sure I'm doing it effectively before I scale back up.