
Prototype wrapup #30

My last prototype was a while ago, but now that I'm back it seems like a good idea to get back on the horse.


A timestamp from Ouagadougu, Burkina Faso

Previously, I made the bioupdater accept a timezone name from a file, now I just needed to be able to update that file remotely. Having put some thought into making my prototypes simpler, I decided that simultaneously doing something functional and something in an unfamiliar language was a bad idea. So I threw together a quick web app in Node. This time, because I didn't have to care about anyone using it other than me, I did it in ES6, which felt pretty good. Also it turns out you can't get the user's time zone name from Javascript, so I used the HTML5 Geolocation API to get lat/longs and the geo-tz library to turn that into a zone name. Worked pretty well!