
Prototype Wrapup #12

After last week's decision to not commit to any particular number of prototypes, I wasn't sure how this week was going to work out. Maybe without the commitment I wouldn't bother to do any prototypess at all. Actually, it was fine and about on par with recent weeks.


I've had this idea for ages to make my Twitter profile auto-update with the current time in my timezone. I'd already checked out the Twitter API and the terms didn't seem to prevent it (they have a rate limit that works out to 1 request per minute). So I figured why not just hunker down and write it. I chose Rust because I thought it would be interesting to see how working with a REST API would work. Actually it turned out to be a pretty substantial pain in the butt, mostly because of OAuth. I tried to use someone else's OAuth library but it wasn't working and in the end I just wrote it from scratch. Works great though!


I wanted to do some more work on my promserver idea, but I wanted something with a bit more of a rigorous foundation. I figured it would be interesting to use Flowtypes to do that. It started to seem like more trouble than it was worth in a few places. Varargs and optional arguments basically just send Flowtype completely off the rails, and it was missing the types for some HTTP library internals that I needed. I still got something working, but it was way harder than it should have been.


This was a bit more laid back and fun. I added two new MeDB plugins to look for the total karma this site has received on Reddit and Hacker News. I still haven't released MeDB even though it's basically ready, just because I still need to figure out how to make globally installed plugins work properly with Node. Still, my stats page now has a little bit more to look at.