

While thinking about Merkle versions I realised that there's no easy and commonly accepted way to hash a directory. I've actually had this problem before and I ended up doing some awful thing with making a tarball and then hashing that, but then it turned out that tar files have all sorts of arbitrary timestamps and different headers on different platforms, which made the whole thing a nightmare.

Since I suggested git tree hashing would be a good choice, I thought I'd put my money where my mouth is. It turns out that git doesn't expose its directory tree hashing directly, so you have to actually put the directory into a dummy git store to make it work. That all seemed too hard for most people to use, so I made Gish, which is a reimplementation of git's tree hashing in nodejs.

It ended up being one of those "this should only take an hour oh god where did my afternoon go"-type projects, but I'm happy with it all the same. Hopefully it proves useful to someone and, even if not, I know a whole lot more about git trees than I used to.