Brain Light

This is a project I've been working on with Laura Jade, a friend and local artist. Much like the earlier Brain Ball, it lights up different colours depending on your brain activity as measured by an EEG headset. I had to fairly dramatically depart from the ball, though, because what shows up well on a screen is totally different from what shows up on a projector.

It still shows Alpha, Beta and Theta waves as blue, red, and green, but the colours are all full-saturation so that they show up well on the perspex brain. The flickering patterns are generated by the cellular automata I wrote, so I'm pretty pleased about that. That said, in the end it looked better with a much smaller pixel grid than I expected. I made the GPU rendering powerful enough to drive 1280x1024 pixels and in the end we only used 32x24.

The sacrifices we make for art!