
Universal Send

Sketch of Universal Send

I've previously mentioned the remarkable shittiness of Android's Share menu. Though, in fact, it's a more general problem. This year, Google deprecated Chrome to Mobile, one of their most useful extensions, because "oh well you have tab sync anyway". Which seems like fairly strong evidence that nobody at Google understands the desire to send things. Well, I do, and here's my sketch for how that could work.

Your devices would take a privileged position, so you could very quickly send a link from one screen to another. After that, all your contacts appear in most-contacted order. If that contact uses Universal Send too, then the thing you're sending would immediately be sent to whatever device or system they prefer. If not, you'd get the option to choose how to send it: e-mail, SMS, Hangouts, WhatsApp, etc.

When someone sends you something, you have the option to choose how you'd like to receive it (or whether you'd like to receive it at all). You could also build up rules to say things like "anything sent from this contact should go to my email", or "always send things to my phone unless I specifically ask otherwise".

Whether Google sees it or not, the ability to send stuff from one place to another is a fundamental need that isn't covered by the general case of syncing. I think something like Universal Send would be a huge improvement on what we have now.